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Submit Articles
Submission of Articles
The New Zealand Universities Law Review publishes articles
on a wide variety of subjects, although preference is given to articles
on New Zealand law, general principles of common law, and international
Editorial Policy
- Unsolicited articles are assessed by the editors and then double-blind peer reviewed
(although referees may be revealed to authors with the referee's approval).
- The usual length for articles is between 8,000 and 13,000 words. Research foci that
necessitates a slightly longer article may be accepted at the discretion of the editors. Shorter academic articles analysing recent
developments (for example cases, statutes, or reports) are welcomed, as are book reviews.
- Submissions must not have been concurrently submitted to any other journal or published elsewhere.
How to Submit Your Article
- Submission of articles is welcomed. Please submit articles as an email attachment in
Word format to the General Editors, Professor Neil Boister at
neil.boister@canterbury.ac.nz and Professor Matthew Barber at
- Authors submitting articles should provide:
- An abstract of no more than 200 words;
- An anonymised version of the article to be used in peer review;
- A separate title page, with abstract, author’s name, affiliation and contact details included;
- Confirmation in the email that the submission has not been concurrently submitted to any other
journal or published elsewhere.
- Style is in accordance with New Zealand Law Style Guide. When making subsequent references to any source, full citation details must be repeated each time the source is cited. Do not use reference tags.
Book Reviews
- We are often provided with new books by publishers for book
reviews. If you are interested in reviewing a specific book, please contact
Professor Neil Boister at
neil.boister@canterbury.ac.nz and Professor Matthew Barber at
- Publishers should send books for review to:
NZULR c/o Neil Boister and Matthew Barber
Faculty of Law
University of Canterbury
Private Bag 4800
Christchurch 8140
New Zealand